Our Time to Lead: Doane University Strategic Plan 2023-2026
Doane's Future as 的 Premier University in Nebraska
目的- - - - - -
We Build Leaders
澳门威尼斯人网址的使命是创造独特的教育体验, immersed in the liberal arts, to prepare our students for 职业生涯s and lives grounded in inquiry, 道德, and a commitment to lead and serve in the global community.
愿景- - - - - -
澳门威尼斯人网址将成为一所以创新为特色的综合性大学, 重视文科和专业研究,以授权和准备学生的生活, 职业生涯, and community engagement.
包含: Doane重视创造一个所有个人和社区都能充分参与的环境, 属于, and thrive in authentic ways.
完整性: 澳门威尼斯人网址重视道德和