Doane's Future as 的 Premier University in Nebraska

I am pleased to present the Our Time to Lead: Doane University Strategic Plan 2023-2026. 该计划以Doane 150计划的工作为基础,Doane 150计划已经启动,但尚未得到充分实施, due to COVID-19 and a change in leadership. 我们目前的一年战略计划是Doane 150计划的更新,并为2023-2026年战略规划过程提供指导. 这一过程为大学的所有利益相关者创造了机会,分享他们对澳门威尼斯人网址未来的愿景. 的se thoughts were incorporated into the plan’s final version.

Our Time to Lead Strategic Plan 体现了我们贯穿于我们所有战略目标的核心价值观:包容, 完整性, 创新, and Transformation. 除了愿景和使命声明,该计划还包括一个目标:“我们培养领导者.“一个具有广泛代表性的工作组界定了这一宗旨所包含的原则. 最后, a 教师 task force detailed what a Doane education, immersed in the liberal arts, 包括. 的se core 值, 目的, 任务, 和视觉, applied through the lens of the liberal arts, are reflected in each of our strategic goals.

Roger Hughes, Ph.D. '82

总统 Roger Hughes

目的- - - - - -
We Build Leaders


澳门威尼斯人网址的使命是创造独特的教育体验, immersed in the liberal arts, to prepare our students for 职业生涯s and lives grounded in inquiry, 道德, and a commitment to lead and serve in the global community.

愿景- - - - - -
澳门威尼斯人网址将成为一所以创新为特色的综合性大学, 重视文科和专业研究,以授权和准备学生的生活, 职业生涯, and community engagement.

Doane重视创造一个所有个人和社区都能充分参与的环境, 属于, and thrive in authentic ways.
完整性: 澳门威尼斯人网址重视道德和